Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ugh!!!!!!!!!! My pics

Last night I was uploading the pictures from Katie's birthday. It said download complete. That means it is finished, right? WRONG!!! I was going to post today about her party complete with all of those beautiful pictures, but they didn't upload. And because I listend to the stupid computer, I assumed it was FINISHED and deleted my memory card. Poof, my baby's birthday pics gone, forever. They were some great pics of her. I want to cry. I feel like a bad mom. I am going to go sulk now. Stupid computer or stupid me??!?!


Anonymous said...

i am soooo sorry!!! something like that happened to me with my son's second christmas. not one shot!!!! it is terrible and i sympathize ~hugs~

Lisa said...

I am so sorry, too! I can sympathize a little: when my second daughter was 2, I realized AFTER Christmas was "over" that we hadn't taken any video or photos--something I'm usually seriously on top of. I cried for days, and still cry when I think about it. I vote for "stupid computer", btw. Hugs and empathy ;)