I am still around. I have been out dealing with stuff for a while. As I had mentioned we had a death in the family. We spent four days with the family. My ds handled it very well. He wanted to help all he could. He even helped his daddy dig on the grave site and he also helped with the burial. I was very proud of him. He seemed so grown up. We are also dealing with a very difficult financial situation. Bills from our former business mixed with our personal bills, mixed with increases in cost of living, equal disaster for us. DH has been working all of the overtime he can get. I worry about him because his heart has some side effects from chemo and it sometimes gets out of rhythm. It usually occurs during stress or exhaustion. Well, he is pretty stressed and exhausted. It is hard to cut back when you have cut all you can. It is like were do you go from here. I have only spent around $380.00 for food and household needs this month. We are all set for what is left of the month. On a better note, baby girl appears to be doing fine. The doctor says, she appears to look good and she is very active. Well, I could have told him that already;) I had the AFP test done and everything came back fine. My bp seems to be stable so let's just hope it stays that way. I couldn't imagine bedrest with two little ones and my dh working all of this overtime. We are still wondering about names. Our other two have names that start with a "K" sound. So we would like to keep with the theme. Silly, yes, I know. We have thought about Kiara Grace. My mom likes Calie, but it reminds me of the state of California. Anyone got any ideas? My other two are Colton and Kaitlyn. I have so much to purchase before she gets here in February. We loaned out/gave away everything but a few outfits. My wish list would be a co-sleeper, good quality cloth diapers, a sling, and a bouncy seat or swing. I think my church is going to have a baby shower for me. That would be nice. Around Christmas, dh will get a bonus if the job has no injuries until then. I will use that money for gifts for my kids and things that I need for the baby. Probably used things as I am that cheap. I hate to buy new things if I can buy the same thing like new, but alot cheaper. We need to finish some school work and I have some hm bread baking so I need to go. God Bless.