Thursday, February 21, 2008

Going to school

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a local school teacher who has agreed to look over my son's work this past year. She will be determining at the end of the school year if he passes to the next grade or not. I am soooo freaking out. I was recently told that he would need to know all of the "site words" that public k5 kids need to know. We use hooked on phonics, so we know some "site words" but he is learning to read through phonics. Well, this has sent me into panic mode. You know the panic you get sometimes when you have to explain to people that you homeschool and they look at you like it is some new crazy concept. It is as if they believe Adam and Eve attended Garden of Eden High or something. I just pray that she is nice and understanding. I looked over some of our state's CSO points last night. They are guidlines used to evaluate a student. My son is able to do all the guidlines except the site words. Phonics is just a totally different program. He is independently reading the books that are in the hooked on phonics program and he knows some "site" words, but I don't know how we will learn all of them by the end of the year. I didn't know the boe could even make me use their curriculm to meet their standards. As long as he is reading, what difference does it make how he learned too. Oh well, I'll find out tommorrow. Right now, I have to conquer Mt. Washmore Clothes.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Don't be frekin' out. Keep your cool and let us know how it goes. He will do fine. Love me